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About DreamCatcherZen

DreamCatcherZen was first created in Spring of 2019 for my meditation Tiktok page. When my daughter decided to revamp my website, we agreed to change the domain to to coordinate with my tiktok page. This page will have a Meditation Tab of quick videos that you can watch to calm yourself down, created by be or my daughter. We will also link some great meditation Youtube channels or videos that you can play while you do your own arts & crafts or just want to have a moment to yourself.

I will also have a meditation Facebook Page to coordinate with my tiktok page at

I am also planning on creating a YouTube Channel where you can see my crafting processes which will be viewable in the "Crafting Videos" under the "Videos" tab on this website.

This website's domain was originally which was a site where I sold my Photography, Home Maintenance, and Care Giving services. It was revamped on July 13th, 2020 to accommodate my current interests in Arts & Crafts.  The domain was changed to DreamCatcherZen as I constantly have to remind myself to take time to breathe and let all my stresses go by using a positive outlet. That outlet is arts & crafts. I am really into Diamond Painting (or as my daughter like to call it "Gem Crafting") at the moment but I have no room for all the finished pieces I will be doing, so that is where comes in. I will be selling my finished Gem Crafts, Puzzles, and other crafting projects in the "DreamCatcherZen Store" tab.

I have to thank a friend at work for getting me into Gem Crafting and my daughter for making me a TikTok. If I didnt have my meditation TikTok page, I probably wouldn't have any space in my mind for myself. My Tiktok page helped remind myself to take a few minutes out of my hectic day for myself. Gem Crafting has been a great stress reliever and it gives me the opportunity to take a longer period of time out of my day to do something I enjoy. It is also something I look forward to doing on a daily basis which makes me look forward to time to myself. Gem Crafting is also something that my daughter and I love to do together so it's a great bonding experience for us, especially during the crazy 2020 quarantine, where we have nothing else we can do but to stay in doors.

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